Episode 138

From Scotland to Japan - talking deep sake tour insights with Sake Brewer Andrew Russell

Andrew Russell is originally from Scotland, but has been living and brewing sake in Japan for more than 8 years. In winter, Andrew is busy brewing sake from Oct to Mar each year, but during the off-brewing season, he gives excellent Sake tours in the famous brewing region of Nada in Hyogo. This is the third sake brewing area in Japan where he has worked with a local brewer.

Originally from Scotland, Andrew has a MA in Japanese studies and has worked in 3 sake breweries in Okayama, 3 in Hiroshima and now 3 in Nada so he has a deep understanding and appreciation for Sake in Japan.

I've heard Andrew's Sake tour is amazing - he has first hand experience using tools in the sake museum and knows how important each of the ingredients and processes are to the final resulting sake taste, aroma and look.

I have enjoyed listening to many of his insights into the history, culture and people of the sake world in Japan- he is the co-host of the Sake Deep Dive podcast.

My first talk in 2022 with Andrew here when he was brewing with FUKUCHO headed by Miho Imada in Akitsu Hiroshima: https://www.youtube.com/live/_FM1gbdgnjo?si=YPS4VK-WDPoJtpdh

Origin Sake Tours: https://www.originsaketours.com/blank-2

Sake Deep Dive Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sake-deep-dive/id1587884895

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jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh