Episode 103

Happy July 4th - American in Hiroshima acting as a bridge between Japan and the world - Rachel Nicholson

Rachel Nicholson is an entrepreneur who ran her own cafe, works for the local government as a translator-interpreter, appears in front of local media productions, and works behind the scenes on English subtitles.. she is also the @hiroshimafoodsnob sharing her favorite kaki-gori (shave-ice), coffee, and food insights from this area of Japan. #podcast #talent #hiroshima #rachelnicholson


Find Rachel on social media by searching #HiroshimaFoodSnob and ..

IG: https://www.instagram.com/hiroshimafo...

YouTube works: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

GetHiroshima articles by Rachel Nicholson: https://gethiroshima.com/author/rache...

Original LIVE talk with Rachel Nicholson: https://youtube.com/live/P_tgIZtVOpQ

=== About JJWalsh (joy) ===

Joy (JJ) is originally from Hawaii and long-time Hiroshima-jin (local) since 1996. Cofounder of GetHiroshima and founded the sustainably-focused InboundAmbassador. Hiroshima tour guide, educator, entrepreneur, writer, content-creator, and inbound tourism and travel consultant.

https://www.inboundambassador.com/ | https://www.gethiroshima.com

~~ We have so many wonderful solutions and it feels great to do what we can to strive toward a better future that balances the needs of people and planet with profits. ~~

|| SUPPORT jjwalsh ||

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjR...

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jjwalsh

BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jjwalsh

Music thanks to the talented Casey Bean https://caseybean.bandcamp.com/

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Sustainable Travel Japan
Sustainable Travel Japan
Japan destinations balancing people-planet-profit

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About your host

Profile picture for jj walsh

jj walsh

Hi I'm Joy (JJ) originally from Hawaii & long-time Hiroshima-jin (jin=person). My work and content is focused on sustainability & how we can make better choices to balance the needs of people, planet and profits in our lives, work and travel. Join me as I talk with wonderful people and visit interesting places in Japan.
Reach out: inboundambassador@gmail.com
InboundAmbassador.com | SeekSustainableJapan.com | All Links: https://linktr.ee/jjwalsh